时 间:2022年4月1日(周五)下午13:30-15:00
腾讯会议ID(线上会议): 270 948 742
主讲人:李玲芳 复旦大学云顶平台网址应用经济系 教授
主持人:杨晓兰 教授
主 题:How to Remind People to Work Out via Feedback: Evidence from a Field Experiment
讲座摘要: Physical activity is a very important aspect of individuals’ quality of life. Health and behavioral studies have long sought to induce people to work out and form a habit to exercise. In this study, we design and conduct an 8-week longitudinal field experiment on an ex post feedback mechanism to motivate people to exercise. We designed feedback messages in two dimensions. One dimension varied the feedback messages according to whether they attributed the performance to participants’ own efforts (i.e., effort attribution treatment), and the other dimension adopted either an “I message” or “You message” to examine whether the deictic relational framing of the feedback matters (i.e., deictic relational framing treatment). The experiment used an exercising recording applet embedded in WeChat. We find that in the short term, the “You message + effort emphasized” message performed the best. As for the overall effect when feedback is provided, participants in the “I message” and “You message + effort emphasized” treatment groups achieved their weekly exercise goals in about one more week than participants in the control group. But when feedback is no longer provided, the influence of both treatment groups failed to endure; the influence of the “You message + effort emphasized” treatment even reversed. We also find that the effect of feedback is stronger among participants whose subjective ability of self-control and intrinsic motivation to work out are low.
李玲芳,复旦大学云顶平台网址应用经济系,教授,副系主任,博士生导师,中国金融消费权益保护研究中心-行为经济与金融研究室主任,复旦发展研究院数字经济与产业发展课题组主任,国家级及省部级人才称号获得者。美国加州大学尔湾分校经济学博士, 曾在美国路易威尔大学任助理教授,上海财经大学任经济学院任副教授及市场机制设计及信息经济研究中心主任。其研究主要聚焦与数字经济、行为经济及金融等方面,主要通过运用市场机制设计和实验经济学方法针对网购市场和金融市场上的信息不对称问题开展研究,发表多篇国际顶级匿名评审学术期刊论文,其中包括Management Science及Rand Journal of Economics。曾获得中国数字贸易研究奖、上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文奖二等奖等奖项。