序号 | 文章名称 | 发表刊物 | 刊物级别 |
1. | Crowdfunding for Microfinance Institutions:The New Hope? | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
2. | Combining Crowd and Machine Intelligence to Detect False News in Social Media | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
3. | Know Your Firm and Manage Social Media Engagement: Impact on Firm Sales Performance | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
4. | The wisdom of model crowds | Management Science | UTD24,管理科学、运筹学领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子4.883 |
5. | Information accessibility and corporate innovation | Management Science | UTD24,管理科学、运筹学领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子4.883 |
6. | Breaking out of the pandemic: How can firms match internal competence with external resources to shape operational resilience? | Journal of Operations Management | UTD24,国际运营管理领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子6.97 |
7. | Stealing time on the company's dime: Examining the indirect effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft | Journal of Business Ethics | FT50,商业伦理领域顶刊,SSCI一区,影响因子6.43 |
8. | High Sex Ratios and Household Portfolio Choice in China | Journal of Human Resources | Tilburg 35,劳动经济学,人力资本领域顶刊,SSCI一区,影响因子6.899 |
9. | An ontology of decision models | Psychological Review | SSCI/SCI一区,神经认知顶刊,影响因子9.797 |
10. | Volume, density, and thickness brain abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment: an ALE meta-analysis controlling for age and education | Brain Imaging and Behavior | 神经认知顶刊,SCI二区,影响因子4.046 |
11. | Cerebellum anatomy predicts individual risk-taking behavior and risk tolerance | NeuroImage | 神经认知顶刊,SCI一区,影响因子5.902 |
12. | Doctor recommendation on healthcare consultation platforms: an integrated framework of knowledge graph and deep learning | Internet Research | 计算机科学领域TOP,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子7.089 |
13. | Higher education and corporate innovation | Journal of Corporate Finance | 公司金融领域TOP,SSCI一区,影响因子2.521 |
14. | Sharing Benefits? The Disparate Impact of Home-sharing Platform on Industrial and Social Development | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子6.014 |
15. | (Im)Balanced customer-oriented behaviors and AI chatbots' Efficiency-Flexibility performance: The moderating role of customers' rational choices | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | SSCI一区,影响因子7.135 |
16. | Surviving Bench Stress: Meaningful Work as a Personal Resource in the Expanded Job Demands-Resources Model | Current Psychology | SSCI一区,影响因子4.297 |
17. | How Does (Im)Balanced Acceptance of Robots Between Customers and Frontline Employees Affect Hotels’ Service Quality? | Computers in Human Behavior | SSCI一区,影响因子6.829 |
18. | Examining the mechanisms linking responsible leadership and work engagement: the mediating roles of general distributive justice climate and perceived supervisor support | Current Psychology | SSCI一区,影响因子4.297 |
19. | 在线商品的选择过载效应及调节定向作用研究 | 管理科学学报 | 管理学顶刊,CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.53 |
20. | 企业社会责任一致性对财务绩效的影响研究 | 管理学报 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.737 |
21. | 仁慈型领导对员工工作偏离行为的双刃剑效应研究 | 管理学报 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.737 |
22. | 团队断层研究评述及展望:静态向动态的演进 | 管理评论 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.754 |
期刊 | Management Science
论文题目| Information accessibility and corporate innovation
期刊介绍 | Management Science创刊于1954年,是UTD-24国际顶级期刊,美国运筹与管理学会(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)的旗舰期刊,也是管理科学、运筹学领域历史最悠久、口碑最高的顶级期刊。该期刊2020年影响因子为4.883,近五年影响因子为6.619。
This paper identifies information accessibility as a determinant of corporate innovation. Using a sudden termination of Google’s web search services in China, we find a large and persistent negative effect on the intensity and quality of corporate innovative activities. As Google’s exit hinders firms’ ability to access foreign information, firms that are more dependent on foreign technology experience a larger decline in patent filings, citations, and citations per patent. The results are stronger among firms in innovative industries, in regions with local web filters, and with fewer alternative sources of foreign information. Overall, the findings are consistent with the view that access to information is a key driver of technological progress.
期刊 | Journal of Operations Management
论文题目| Breaking out of the pandemic: How can firms match internal competence with external resources to shape operational resilience?
期刊介绍 | Journal of Operations Management(简称JOOM)是UTD24期刊之一,是国际运营管理领域顶级期刊,在国际管理学界享有极高的学术声誉,该期刊2020年影响因子为6.97,近五年影响因子为13.023。
This study explores how firms sought to effectively match their internal competence with external resources from the supply chain network to improve operational resilience (OR) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing upon matching theory, this study provides an internal–external matching perspective based on flexibility–stability features of OR to explain the operational mechanisms underlying the different matchings between internal flexibility (i.e., product diversity)/stability (i.e., operational efficiency) and external flexibility (i.e., structural holes)/stability (i.e., network centrality). We find that more heterogeneous matchings between internal (external) flexibility and external (internal) stability have a complementary effect that enhances OR, whereas more homogeneous matchings between internal flexibility (or stability) and external flexibility (or stability) have a substitutive effect that reduces OR. This study provides valuable contributions to research focusing on the supply chain, organizational resilience, and operations management.
期刊 | Journal of Business Ethics
论文题目| Stealing time on the company's dime: Examining the indirect effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft
期刊介绍 | Journal of Business Ethics是Financial Times金融时报认定的50个高水平学术期刊之一,是商业与伦理学国际高水平学术期刊,该期刊近五年影响因子5.453
Employee time theft is a costly and prevalent unethical work behavior. Yet, this construct has received less attention compared to other unethical behaviors, and as such, the literature has only a rudimentary understanding of why employees engage in time theft. Thus, the primary goal of this research is to provide greater insight into both why employees engage in time theft and who is most likely to engage in time theft. To do so, we draw from social information processing theory to examine the effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft. More specifically, we propose that laissez-faire leadership is related to employee time theft through workplace time theft norms. We further propose that this indirect effect is contingent on employee conscientiousness, such that the indirect effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft is stronger for individuals lower in conscientiousness. We conducted two three-wave field studies to test our predictions. The results of Study 1 supported our prediction that workplace time theft norms mediate the effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft. Study 2 replicated and extended this finding by offering evidence for the conditional indirect effect of employee conscientiousness. Implications for future research and managerial practice are discussed.
期刊 | Journal of Human Resources
论文题目| High Sex Ratios and Household Portfolio Choice in China
期刊介绍 | Journal of Human Resources期刊创刊于1965年,影响因子6.899,在SSCI检索中位列一区,被全球经济学排名Tilburg Economics Ranking列为35本全球最权威的刊物之一,是劳动经济学、人力资本领域最好的两本期刊之一。
This work examines how high sex ratios (more men than women) affect household portfolio choice. Using data from a nationally representative Chinese household finance survey, we find that a one standard deviation increase in the sex ratio would raise the stock market participation rate by 2.9 percentage points, or 52.2 percent, for families with a son relative to families with a daughter. Our estimates imply that rising sex ratios explain around 10 percent of the significant growth in China's stock market size in recent decades.
期刊 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
论文题目| (Im)Balanced customer-oriented behaviors and AI chatbots' Efficiency-Flexibility performance: The moderating role of customers' rational choices
期刊介绍 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service期刊近五年影响因子7.696,是关注消费者行为、政策和管理决策,侧重零售业和服务业的理论与实践研究的高水平期刊。
Artificial intelligence (AI) based chatbots are increasingly deployed in frontline encounters, because they combine frontline service efficiency and flexibility. Using a large-scale data set with more than 130,000 man -machine dialogues from an e-bike sharing platform, Study 1 reveals a complex relationship between chatbots' customer-oriented behaviors and their efficiency-flexibility ambidexterity. Chatbots' level of efficiency- flexibility ambidexterity is higher when their functional and relational customer-oriented behaviors are balanced rather than imbalanced (i.e., a negative imbalance effect) and when they are balanced at a higher rather than a lower level (i.e., a positive balance effect). A follow-up experiment, Study 2, and online survey, Study 3, consistently show that the negative imbalance effect is stronger as customers' perceptions of non-personalization costs decrease and privacy concerns increase, while opportunity cost has no significant influence on the negative imbalance effect. However, consistent with rational choice theory, the positive balance effect is stronger as non personalization costs increase, privacy concerns decrease, and opportunity cost decreases. In addition, Study 1 and 3 consistently show that in alignment with the stimulus-organism-response framework, efficiency-flexibility ambidexterity partially mediates the relationship between chatbots' (im)balanced customer-oriented behaviors and customer patronage. This study contributes to the literature on frontline ambidexterity by introducing an AI application context and a more nuanced nonlinear view of the antecedents and consequences of frontline ambidexterity.
期刊 | Journal of Corporate Finance
论文题目| Higher education and corporate innovation
期刊介绍 | Journal of Corporate Finance是公司金融领域国际一流权威期刊,在金融领域国际排名前10,该杂志旨在发表资本结构、公司投融资、公司治理等领域的高质量文章。
This paper investigates the impact of higher education on corporate innovation. To establish causality, we exploit a policy-induced exogenous shock in the supply of Chinese college-educated labor starting in 2003. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that Chinese firms in skilled industries generate better innovation outcomes as measured by patents and citations than those in unskilled industries. This effect is more pronounced among firms headquartered in a province with more science and engineering college graduates, young firms that are more likely to hire young graduates, and firms located near universities. Moreover, higher education expansion increases a firm's innovative human capital in terms of the number of educated em-ployees and inventors. Finally, we show that technological innovation is a mechanism through which higher education affects productivity growth and, thus, the economy.
期刊 | Computers in Human Behavior
论文题目| How Does (Im)Balanced Acceptance of Robots Between Customers and Frontline Employees Affect Hotels’ Service Quality?
期刊介绍 | Computers in Human Behavior是Elsevier出版集团旗下的一份在线开放获取的学术期刊。该期刊既涉及心理学,精神病学及相关学科中有关计算机使用的研究,也涉及计算机对个人,团体和社会的心理影响的研究,是人机交互领域最负盛名的学术期刊之一。该期刊为SSCI一区期刊,近五年影响因子为8.302。
With the increasingly prevalent of service robots in tourism and hospitality sectors, service success relies heavily on robot acceptance. However, most of tourism practitioners are challenged by a dilemma of focusing on customer or employee acceptance of robots. Borrowing the lenses of resource-based view and information processing theory, this study explores the differential effectiveness of imbalanced robotic strategy (i.e., higher/lower customer acceptance of robots than employee acceptance) implemented by hotels in driving service quality under customer-side (i.e., customer demandingness) and employee-side (i.e., frontline task ambidexterity) demand uncertainties. Polynomial regression analysis on a dataset of 1066 matched customer-employee dyads reveals that, an imbalanced robotic strategy is superior than a balanced one for service quality. In addition, when customer demandingness is high, a customer-focused robotic strategy (i.e., higher customer acceptance of robots than employee acceptance) is the optimal choice to improve service quality. However, when frontline task ambidexterity is high, the positive effects of imbalanced robotic strategy on service quality diminish. This study contributes to the literature on and practices of robot acceptance from a customer-robot-employee triadic perspective.