序号 | 文章名称 | 发表刊物 | 刊物级别 |
1. | Crowdfunding for Microfinance Institutions:The New Hope? | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
2. | Combining Crowd and Machine Intelligence to Detect False News in Social Media | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
3. | Know Your Firm and Manage Social Media Engagement: Impact on Firm Sales Performance | MIS Quarterly | UTD24,信息系统领域顶级,SCI一区,影响因5.361 |
4. | The wisdom of model crowds | Management Science | UTD24,管理科学、运筹学领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子4.883 |
5. | Information accessibility and corporate innovation | Management Science | UTD24,管理科学、运筹学领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子4.883 |
6. | Breaking out of the pandemic: How can firms match internal competence with external resources to shape operational resilience? | Journal of Operations Management | UTD24,国际运营管理领域顶级,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子6.97 |
7. | Stealing time on the company's dime: Examining the indirect effect of laissez-faire leadership on employee time theft | Journal of Business Ethics | FT50,商业伦理领域顶刊,SSCI一区,影响因子6.43 |
8. | High Sex Ratios and Household Portfolio Choice in China | Journal of Human Resources | Tilburg 35,劳动经济学,人力资本领域顶刊,SSCI一区,影响因子6.899 |
9. | An ontology of decision models | Psychological Review | SSCI/SCI一区,神经认知顶刊,影响因子9.797 |
10. | Volume, density, and thickness brain abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment: an ALE meta-analysis controlling for age and education | Brain Imaging and Behavior | 神经认知顶刊,SCI二区,影响因子4.046 |
11. | Cerebellum anatomy predicts individual risk-taking behavior and risk tolerance | NeuroImage | 神经认知顶刊,SCI一区,影响因子5.902 |
12. | Doctor recommendation on healthcare consultation platforms: an integrated framework of knowledge graph and deep learning | Internet Research | 计算机科学领域TOP,SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子7.089 |
13. | Higher education and corporate innovation | Journal of Corporate Finance | 公司金融领域TOP,SSCI一区,影响因子2.521 |
14. | Sharing Benefits? The Disparate Impact of Home-sharing Platform on Industrial and Social Development | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | SSCI/SCI一区,影响因子6.014 |
15. | (Im)Balanced customer-oriented behaviors and AI chatbots' Efficiency-Flexibility performance: The moderating role of customers' rational choices | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | SSCI一区,影响因子7.135 |
16. | Surviving Bench Stress: Meaningful Work as a Personal Resource in the Expanded Job Demands-Resources Model | Current Psychology | SSCI一区,影响因子4.297 |
17. | How Does (Im)Balanced Acceptance of Robots Between Customers and Frontline Employees Affect Hotels’ Service Quality? | Computers in Human Behavior | SSCI一区,影响因子6.829 |
18. | Examining the mechanisms linking responsible leadership and work engagement: the mediating roles of general distributive justice climate and perceived supervisor support | Current Psychology | SSCI一区,影响因子4.297 |
19. | 在线商品的选择过载效应及调节定向作用研究 | 管理科学学报 | 管理学顶刊,CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.53 |
20. | 企业社会责任一致性对财务绩效的影响研究 | 管理学报 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.737 |
21. | 仁慈型领导对员工工作偏离行为的双刃剑效应研究 | 管理学报 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.737 |
22. | 团队断层研究评述及展望:静态向动态的演进 | 管理评论 | CSSCI的A刊,影响因子2.754 |
期刊 | NeuroImage
论文题目| Cerebellum anatomy predicts individual risk-taking behavior and risk tolerance
期刊介绍 | NeuroImage是神经影像学一区的学术期刊,近五年影响力因子6.918。该杂志发表原创的研究论文、方法论文、理论和立场论文,描述成像方法在研究大脑中的应用。
Human risk tolerance is highly idiosyncratic and individuals often show distinctive preferences when faced with similar risky situations. However, the neural underpinnings of individual differences in risk-taking remain unclear. Here we combined structural and perfusion MRI and examined the associations between brain anatomy and individual risk-taking behavior/risk tolerance in a sample of 115 healthy participants during the Balloon Analogue Risk Task, a well-established sequential risky decision paradigm. Both whole brain and region-of-interest analyses showed that the left cerebellum gray matter volume (GMV) has a strong association with individual risk-taking behavior and risk tolerance, outperforming the previously reported associations with the amygdala and right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) GMV. Left cerebellum GMV also accounted for risk tolerance and risk-taking behavior changes with aging. However, regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) provided no additional predictive power. These findings suggest a novel cerebellar anatomical contribution to individual differences in risk tolerance. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the underestimated important role of cerebellum in risk-taking.
期刊 | Brain Imaging and Behavior
论文题目| Volume, density, and thickness brain abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment: an ALE meta-analysis controlling for age and education
期刊介绍 | Brain Imaging and Behavior是一本双月刊的同行评议期刊,发表使用神经成像方法来增强我们对高级脑功能障碍理解的相关研究。主要为人类大脑-行为关系领域研究,如神经心理学,精神病学,神经学,神经外科,康复和认知神经科学。
Prior meta-analyses have provided important information regarding which brain areas are structurally compromised in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). These studies have not however separated volume, density, and thickness, controlled for important demographic influences, considered null findings, or recognized studies indicating increased brain volumes in MCI individuals. Furthermore, there is a question as to whether deficits extend into cortical regions, and also into the thalamus. This study aims to address these issues using activation likelihood estimation (ALE) analyses with a sample size more than twice that of prior meta-analyses. A total of 71 studies were identified and entered into the ALE analysis which consisted of 2262 with MCI and 1902 healthy controls. Three major clusters were identified showing decreased gray matter volume in the MCI group compared to controls, with the most salient decreases being in the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and the amygdala. Reduced thalamic volume was also observed, but to a lesser extent. Density was reduced in the left hippocampus, while thickness was reduced in the uncus. No significant cluster emerged from an ALE meta-analysis of studies finding volume increases in MCI individuals. While the MCI group was significantly older and less educated than controls, controlling for these factors still resulted in significant, albeit attenuated findings. These results support hippocampal and parahippocampal deficits in MCI, and further highlight the amygdala, thalamus, and uncus as other areas to be considered in future MCI studies.
期刊 | Psychological Review
论文题目| An ontology of decision models
期刊介绍 | Psychological Review创办于1894年,发表的文章对科学心理学,包括对替代理论的系统评估有重要的理论贡献。
Decision models are essential theoretical tools in the study of choice behavior, but there is little consensus about the best model for describing choice, with different fields and different research programs favoring their own idiosyncratic sets of models. Even within a given field, decision models are seldom studied alongside each other, and insights obtained using 1 model are not typically generalized to others. We present the results of a large-scale computational analysis that uses landscaping techniques to generate a representational structure for describing decision models. Our analysis includes 89 prominent models of risky and intertemporal choice, and results in an ontology of decision models, interpretable in terms of model spaces, clusters, hierarchies, and graphs. We use this ontology to measure the properties of individual models and quantify the relationships between different models. Our results show how decades of quantitative research on human choice behavior can be synthesized within a single representational framework. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
期刊 | Current Psychology
论文题目| Examining the mechanisms linking responsible leadership and work engagement: the mediating roles of general distributive justice climate and perceived supervisor support
期刊介绍 | Current Psychology期刊收录于SSCI数据库中,属于心理学和多学科大类的一区。
Based on stakeholder theory, our study tested whether responsible leadership would influence employees’ work engagement through two different mechanisms—general distributive justice climate and perceived supervisor support—and whether work engagement would lead to employees’ creativity. We collected sampling data over eight weeks from 116 employees (Level 1, n = 519) who work in different companies in China. Growth modeling analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. Results indicated that work engagement was predicted by responsible leadership. The responsible leadership-work engagement relationship was also found to be mediated by general distributive justice climate and perceived supervisor support. Moreover, we found that work engagement was positively related to employees’ creativity in dynamic nature. We discussed the theoretical and practical implications and suggested some directions for future research.
期刊 | Current Psychology
论文题目| Surviving Bench Stress: Meaningful Work as a Personal Resource in the Expanded Job Demands-Resources Model
期刊介绍 | Current Psychology期刊收录于SSCI数据库中,属于心理学和多学科大类的一区。
Judges are frequently exposed to judicial stressors and other overwhelming stressors in their daily jobs. Within the challenge-hindrance dichotomy framework, both challenge and hindrance stressors may lead to job burnout of judges. This study conceptualizes meaningful work as a significant personal resource in the expanded job demands-resources (JD-R) model, and investigates whether meaningful work would moderate the effects of challenge and hindrance stressors on job burnout. A two-wave field study with 490 frontline court staffs was conducted in China. The results showed that both challenge and hindrance stressors were positively related to job burnout. Further, meaningful work was found to buffer the negative impact of hindrance stressors (but not challenge stressors) on job burnout. These findings highlight the merit of meaningful work as a valuable personal resource.