时间:2023年12月12日(周二)10: 00-11:00
主 讲 人:张健 云顶平台网址国际工商云顶平台网址 教授
主题:Terrorism and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from a Cross-country Study
This study examines the impact of terrorism on corporate innovation among 94 countries worldwide. To establish causality, we adopt terrorist attacks as an exogenous shock to safety uncertainty. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we present evidence that firms near terrorist attacks generate worse innovation outcomes in terms of patent counts and citations. Moreover, we find that safety uncertainty drives firms to lose valuable inventors and lowers inventors’ productivity. Specifically, we show that inventors are more likely to move to safer cities in response to safety uncertainty. Firms also tend to adjust their business strategies to more conventional business when facing safety uncertainty. Finally, we find that the effect of safety uncertainty is more significant in a country with characteristics of individualism, a low tolerance for uncertainty, short-term orientation, and high censorship. Overall, our paper provides evidence about the impact of safety uncertainty on the allocation of human capital across countries.
张健,教授、博士生导师。美国天普大学工商管理博士,金融科技与公司财务系主任,上海市人才项目获得者,一直致力于公司金融实证研究,取得一系列重要研究成果。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目以及教育部人文社科青年项目、资政报告获省部级领导批示;在Management Science、Journal of Business Ethics和Journal of Corporate Finance等期刊发表高水平论文二十余篇。担任Economic Analysis and Policy期刊副主编、Financial Innovation期刊编委、China Finance Review International青年编委等学术兼职。